Sunday, April 21, 2013

6 weeks to first bikini competition

Hey!! 6 weeks out and still going strong!

My focus this week is to maintain and possibly add muscle and continue healthy "clean" eating. I am starting to cut dairy and carbs at 4 weeks out I go into "cutting" mode.
Progress Pic update:
Last week I was very upset with my progress and had a low week. I cheated and was trying to hide which in turned made me feel guilty. I had a nice comment on a progress pic saying
"You're 7 weeks out. You don't want to be too lean at this point, otherwise you'll be too flat come show day. Hit 30 min fasted cardio first thing in the morning. 4 weeks out change up your diet to make your body start leaning out more....You're good! I didn't start 'cutting' till 4 weeks out. Up until then I maintained my weight and focused on lifting and building as much muscle as possible."
Oh that made me feel so much better, sometimes it takes others to say: hey ding dong don't get all caught up in the insanity (no pun intended) of all this bikini competition stuff you look great, your on track don't get ahead of yourself!
The goal is to be as lean as possible.I am pretty balanced arms/legs wise but leaning out will definitely help with the abdominal area. (however just becoming a clean eater I have seen serious improvement in 2 weeks)
I am trying a new tanning lotion. So far I exfoliated once and applied, stood around to dry... and its VERY sparkly... BUT someone said I looked tanner. They thought I had gone to a person to spray so that's great. It smells just like typical sunless tanner. I haven't used that in years but its not too bad. also the sparkles wore off its just one use so far I will see how it works.

Currently I work out 6 days a week:
Sunday Lower body destruction in the gym!!
Monday upper body
Tuesday crossfit full body HIT (high intensity training)
Wednesday crossfit full body HIT (high intensity training)
Thursday crossfit full body HIT (high intensity training)
Friday Upper body
Saturday Lower body destruction in the gym!!
Sunday REST
(I realize that's 7 days straight, schedule was off a bit, but normally its Sunday rest day)
So I am starting some cardio in the AM (more with a neighbor for our own health benefits I miss running) at 4 weeks out I will start doing 30 mins fasted running.

EXCITING: Upper body I have increased weight I am doing dumbbell rows with 35lbs!!!(reduced the reps to 8-15.)
Legs are increasing weight and decreasing reps... add weight and rep till fatigue always varying exercises to keep my body guessing.

A blog I reference to often said "There is a common misconception that if women lift heavier weights they will look like a man... It takes a lot of weight and supplementation to get that way so ladies, don't be afraid to throw around some weight. Increasing your muscle mass will increase metabolism. Most workout routines should include both cardiovascular fitness and resistance training." My First Fitness Competition - Jess

I changed my eating habits I try not  to say diet. However, if you look up the word diet in the dictionary or on it says:
1 [dahy-it] Show IPA noun, verb, di·et·ed, di·et·ing, adjective
noun the foods eaten, as by a particular person or group: The native diet consists of fish and fruit. "
So I'm not on a diet, my daily diet (food intake) consists of....
I am eating 6  times a day. Some of the foods include:

Egg whites
sweet potato
Whey Protein

I still weigh about 120 is varies a little (my scale is not digital) but My body is changing almost daily so muscle UP fat DOWN.

One thing that I need to improve on is portion control.. I had a really hard time last week because of lack of preparation. I need to remember my priority. This is a competition for a reason so the prep should take ALL of my effort. I need to designate time for food prep for the week then eat it!! So I don't get stuck having too much because I went to long w/o eating and I snack on nuts while making my lunch.

Just like Jess said "This weekend was spent laying low (for the most part). The goal is at least 7 hours of sleep each night so I can give my best in the gym." My First Fitness Competition

Most of my weekends are pretty simple but that's how we like it out here in the boonies.

My workout yesterday just to share

10min stair climber warm up
SUPERSET # 1 squats & leg extensions
SUPERSET # 2 straight leg dead lift & leg curls
Glute press
Calf raise
Weighted bridge
Hack squat
Abs - hang leg raise, dumbbell wood chopper, weighted planks
Have a great day!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Bikini -T-walk and Tan

The Walk

Walking is a major area I need to work on, I want to practice as much as possible so I look natural and relaxed. Then I can focus on smiling at the judges and flexing!

So far my favorite coaching videos are:

The first video looks very basic and natural. There are so many sassy little extra movements to add but I have no dance background and I am lucky to end up on the X I set out to stand on.

IT IS ALL ABOUT THE TURNS they need to be fluid and nice. Not awkward!

The clip below was my original favorite but it is a little fancy. Once my backstage partner and I broke it down we were hot and an hour had passed ha! But its a really neat one. I like that both emphasize the belly button needs to always face the judges no matter where your standing.

Alrighty this CCF clip is interesting. This is a taste of the sass I am trying to explain. She actually tones it down even. But Bikini walk needs to be very bubbly and bouncy and cheerful. This was a major source of stress for me. I work so hard to look fit and eat crazy, and I I'm in the gym with all the guys and the heavy weights. Now you want me to be the girliest thing strutting the stage?!

Well YES. Check it out

I am trying to channel my inner DIVAAAAA!

I watched To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything. It occurred to me however I feel on the inside I really need to (snap snap snap) WORK.IT.GIRL.

The Tan

Before I found the competition will have a sponsored tanner there to spray s all the night before and touch ups next day for a great price I researched tanning products and methods. Not a lot of info this was a great help!

Protan or Norvell are the main ones I know so far.

Off to workout its LED DAY. Of course it is.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Squat Lift Pose My First Blog Entry!

First Blog Entry

Welcome to the Squat Lift Pose Blog. This is my way of tracking my own personal progress and sharing the most helpful information I have found while preparing for my first Natural Bikini Fitness Competition.

This blog is also a helpful tool to track my progress and share with my mentors all over the country. They can assist me with constructive criticism and let me know when I am doing well!

I will be participating in the inaugural HARD CORPS Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness Competition JUNE 1 2013 on Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base, North Carolina.

Lindsay' Current Measurements:

Date: 4/09/2013
True Waist: 26 inches
Belly Button Waist:
Hips: 34 inches.
Hip Bone (Iliac crest):
Chest/Lats: 35
Neck: 12.25

Lindsay's Current Body Fat Percentage:

Date: 4/9/2013
Body Fat Percentage:
14.7% according to manual calipers and a highly trained professional
Method: Manual Calipers
Category: ”Athlete” (Categories differ slightly, but typically 14-20% is a category called “Athlete.” 10-13% is typically known as “Essential Fat” for women.)
Weight: 127.5 lbs
Fat Weight: 16 lbs
Lean Weight: 111lbs
Height: 5’3″ This means I will compete in the 5'4" and under categories of my division.

Lindsay's Current Posing Pics – Bikini and/or Fitness Model 

I added April 6th and April 13th posing pics to see if there is any change. I think there is a change.. not necessarily good either way.

So my face is really dark orange because I was practicing my stage make-up. I feel pretty awkward, however, I like my leg muscles. Lets see if I can make my neck and shoulders look more natural.

progress pics so far.. i need to figure out how to use my real camera... First photo was taken on  4/11/13 before bed second was taken 4/12/13 in the morning to see if night of no food makes any change. I need to learn to correctly flex my abs.

More to come!
